In the direct mail marketing industry, the DMAW Bridge Conference is a popular, heavily attended event that’s coming up fast at the end of July. It’s going to be jam-packed with speakers, sessions, workshops, meet & greets, coffee breaks, and socializing—the three days will fly by.

The EdgeMark team always enjoys going to this conference. It’s an amazing time for sharing knowledge and professional networking. But, we admit, the combination of so many activities and so many people can be overwhelming for both newbies and veteran conference attendees. So how do you get the most out of the Bridge Conference, and business conferences in general?

Here are some ways to make the most out of your conference experience, no matter what conference you’re heading to this year—this advice applies.

Prioritize Sessions

Conferences usually have a variety of sessions all running at the same time, and you may be interested in many of the topics. Here are some ideas on how to decide which one to attend:

• Consider your professional and personal interests.

• Identify speakers who align with your goals and whose expertise can benefit you most.

• Research those speakers to find out more about their accomplishments.

• Based on what you find, narrow down your list of sessions.

Make a Schedule

Once you figure out what sessions you want to attend, create a schedule for yourself with clear objectives so you can get the most out of each seminar.

Don’t Forget to Network Around Conference Sessions

Impromptu networking as you enter and leave sessions can prove extremely valuable! The people who attend the same sessions as you and who share your professional interests are great contacts to make.

Conference Networking—Quality over Quantity

You can meet tons of people at a conference, especially one as popular as the Bridge Conference, and some of those spontaneous connections may turn out to be essential to your career.

However, it’s a good idea to make an informed list of potential contacts and companies you want to connect with before the conference starts. Be careful not to invest too much time socializing with people who may be great conversationalists but have little offer to your professional development or the success of your company.

Bring Manners and Listening Ears with You

Any conference social scene is an extension of that industry’s professional environment. Use your best manners, be polite, and be an active listener (follow the 80-20 rule—listen 80% and talk 20%).

Remember, people love to talk about themselves, so ask questions. Then really listen to what they have to say. If the connection is one you want to grow, jot down some notes on that person. When you follow up later, you can mention a tidbit from your conversation to reinforce the connection between you and to show that you do listen.

Maintain Personal Balance!

A conference can take up every second of your day with activities and socializing. Even if you want to attend every event possible, schedule some breaks for yourself. Allowing “brain breaks” will give you time to recharge your batteries so you can be at your best. You could use a few hours to experience local culture or relax at a spa.

After the Conference

The real success of a conference is what happens after it is over. Consider how you can apply what you learned to your work to make it better. Reach out to your connections and continue to grow those professional relationships. Follow up with emails or text messages, connect on LinkedIn, and keep those lines of communication open.

Learn from Your Experience for Next Time

Every conference you go to is a learning experience in itself. Consider writing down what worked and did not work for you, as well as any action items that will help you better navigate future conferences.

Network with EdgeMark Partners at the Bridge Conference

The DMAW Bridge Conference stands is one of the top conferences for Direct Mail Marketing professionals who want to deepen their industry knowledge and expand their network.

If you’re attending the DMAW Bridge Conference, the EdgeMark team will be there. We’d love to meet with you to explore how we can collaborate to make your production process more streamlined and effective. Whether you’re looking for a strategic partnership, a career opportunity, or insights into the latest industry trends, our team is ready to connect with you.

To meet up with the EdgeMark team, give John Weeks a call at (804) 370-1717. Let’s get it on the calendar!