
Direct Mail during Covid-19: Cut through the clutter

While areas of the country are starting to relax “stay at home” mandates and people are slowly venturing back out, many consumers are still opting to purchase products and services online. To meet customer needs, marketers have moved online, too. With so many companies trying to connect with consumers digitally, [...]

June 29th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Direct Marketing during COVID-19

When New Year’s Eve rolled around six months ago, most people were making resolutions and thinking about how they were going to make 2020 an even better decade than the last. Nobody was thinking about an impending pandemic and taking a break from life as we know it. But that’s [...]

May 27th, 2020|Categories: Direct Mail, Marketing Strategy|

Increase your Direct Mail Success in 2020

With 2020 in full swing, we look forward to all the possibility it holds in the upcoming months. But as we look forward, it’s important to look back, too—at what works for us, in our industry. What elements impact at the success of a direct mail campaign most? Let’s look [...]

January 24th, 2020|Categories: Direct Mail, Marketing How-To|Tags: |

Omnichannel marketing is stronger with Informed Delivery

Direct Mail has an incredibly high response rate and incorporating digital channels is only going to increase that rate. We’re all familiar with Facebook and Instagram and banner ads. But have you heard about USPS’s Informed Delivery tool? Informed Delivery is a relatively new digital service that allows customers to [...]

Nonprofit marketing: 6 simple tips to kick off your end-of-year planning

Even if you're sitting on the beach right now feeling the sand between your toes, it's time to start thinking about the "C" word. Christmas. Because, as all nonprofit marketers know, most charitable giving happens during the month of December. Perhaps that’s because people feel more generous, or they want [...]

July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Nonprofit marketing|

Ten tips for a successful direct marketing plan

Direct mail has a very high response rate (see our article on the DMA report here) which means it’s a great way to market to customers. To get the most bang for your buck, it’s important to carefully plan your DM campaign and to develop measurable goals for success. Here [...]

July 15th, 2019|Categories: Direct Mail, Marketing How-To|
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