How effective is your website?
Technology is constantly changing, and the latest and greatest is quickly the old and has been. That’s why it’s always a good idea to take a fresh look at your website, especially if it hasn’t been updated recently. Here are a few things to think about when it comes to [...]
Create a marketing plan for your business
Starting a business is not like W.P. Kinsella’s novel, Shoeless Joe, which became the famous movie Field of Dreams. Just because you build it, doesn’t mean “they” will come. (Although that would be very cool and magical if your customers suddenly appeared out of a cornfield.) Instead, you need a [...]
Omni-channel marketing, multi-channel marketing, what?
Marketing is evolving every single day with more ways to give customers a better experience. The most recent trend in this direction is “omni-channel marketing.” Which sounds almost just like “multi-channel marketing.” Both industry buzzwords indicate the use of several channels to connect with customers. So what’s the difference between [...]
Friday Favorites
Some great reads from this week. The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Writing Explainer Video Scripts [Infographic] The 7 Laws of Attracting Your Ideal Clients How to Outsmart Writer’s Block with Neuroscience Data that Drives Marketing, Drives Creatives Alexa, What Is Long-Tail Marketing And Why Does It Matter? Enjoy and have [...]
Friday Favorites
Interesting reads from the week.... 4 Reasons to Use Direct Mail Marketing Instead of Email Marketing 7 Commandments for a Good Content Experience The Secrets to Increasing Direct Mail Response Rate Survey: SEO rated the ‘least popular digital marketing channel' Inside Apple’s 20-year march to $1 trillion from the brink [...]
The Direct Mail Campaign Production Checklist
When you’re planning a direct mail campaign, it’s a good idea to make sure you have all your bases covered (even if you’re an old pro). Use this checklist as you go through the creative development and print/mail process to stay on schedule and stay on budget. You might even [...]