EdgeMark offers Informed Delivery services to our clients. Launched by USPS in 2017, Informed Delivery combines the best of direct mail marketing with digital marketing to give you actionable results on your campaign. Companies that use Informed Delivery for direct mail campaigns report a significant rise in customer responses and find customers to be more engaged.

Informed Delivery helps marketers:

  • Reach more engaged customers—Informed Delivery reaches 41 million people and counting
  • Connect with customers digitally from their physical address
  • Generate multiple impressions from a single mail piece
  • Get faster responses—prospects can respond immediately online
  • Potentially increase ROI on your campaign
  • Measure your campaign’s performance to gain valuable insight to optimize your marketing efforts

Take advantage of Informed Delivery with EdgeMark:

Our data team will set up your Informed Delivery account and take care of programming your mail campaign(s) into the system. You’ll receive daily, updated results on your personalized dashboard. This data really is a goldmine for direct mail marketers who previously did not have access to this kind of information!

Not every direct mail production management company is well versed in Informed Delivery Services—or is willing to offer these services due to the time and effort involved. However, Edgemark believes Informed Delivery has way too much value to ignore. We have plenty of experience working with the program and we prioritize it as a vital part of client success.

Need a little more info on what Informed Delivery is? 

Informed Delivery allows USPS customers to sign up for a daily email that shows black and white images of the mail that will arrive in their mailbox that day.

Marketers can replace the generic image of their package with a color image and include a direct link to their offer. Customers can click to go directly to your offer online, where they can learn more and take action before their mail even arrives!

USPS reports recipient actions, including clicks and downloads in real time. Capturing this data gives you real actionable insight on how to target your hottest leads.

Get in touch and get started with Informed Delivery today!

Postal &
 Print & Mail
Data Management
Postal &
 Print & Mail